Friday, 10 April 2020

 Srilanka has very vast and rich cultural diversity than other countries. Culture of a country diverse from one country to another. In our country , our culture is bonded together with our religion. Our culture is based on art and crafts, dance and music , festivals etc. Among  them mask industry ooccupies a most significant and valuable place.

Mask industry is a traditional art of sinhalese. Mask industry linked with several other cultural and traditional items such as sinhala folk dramas , art And also connected with kandyan,low country,sabaragamuwa dances.

Devil dancer srilanka

Srilanka is one of the most famous island for masks. We cannot reasonably say that the history of this masks and it dates back to the past, it is probably only a few centuries old. These masks appear to have been used by the tribal group of people (veddas) who are considered the ancestors of Sri Lanka. And there are several folktales about mask industry . (Ex:- folktale about mahasammathaking and Rawana king.) That history says the fact that they used their own body and face to perform their rituals.They used masks and paint themselves with various colours . They used mask to enjoy , sacare animal and also worshiping.

It is no secret that Sri Lanka's masks represents a variety of cultural elements. The mask industry has also contributed to the upliftment of Asian culture. Most of the tourists are attracted to our country with these marvalous cultural elements and mask and other crafts are  most popular amoung tourist .

Foreign country little boy playing with masks

Ambalangoda in the Southern Province is a city famous for its masks.And puppets . However, the city is famous not only for masking but also for selling masks. The masks are very popular among foreign tourists. These modern masks are painted with bright colors and have been used as a tool to attract tourists. There is a mask museum and and mask factory in Ambalangoda city. Most of these people in this ambalangoda area and arround ambalangoda city crafts masks as self-  employment. These people have been gifted with awesome art and craft designs.

Ambalangoda mask museum 

 mask craftman

Natural shades are often used to color these masks, which helps to enhance the natural and cultural characteristics of the masks. These masks are often used for various invisible forces and to be safe from them. Sri Lanka can be described as an island known for the invisibility of demons and Gods. These masks representatives of many gods,demons even humans. And animals.

The masking industry in the island is run by the Ambalangoda town. Ambalangoda is also famous for the puppet industry. Both puppet and mask industries are based in Ambalangoda. Most of the designers of both industries are  Balapitiye, Wathugedara and Paragahahota but Ambalangoda is the main market for all crafts.

ambalangoda masks

Masks are make using  Kaduru and Rukaththana woods. These are the most commonly used spices because they can last for 300 years without scratches. Therfore people use these soft light weighted woods for crafting masks. Mask industry is now considered as endangered industry due to lack of these woods . And no one grow these plants for anothers purposes .. this plants can't use even as firewoods . Because of this , mask industry considered as one of endangered cultural industry in our country .

There are 3 types of masks in Sri Lanka, Kolam masks raksha (devil) masks and Sanni masks. In kolam folk dances they use kolam masks and also raksha masks to perform dances. But sanni masks are used for 18 sanni devil dances.

1. Raksha masks (devil or monster masks)

Devil masks (raksha masks )

   Sri Lankans believe that keeping these masks at home will bring good fortune and provide security. It is also believed that keeping these masks safe from evil eyes and diseases.There are more than 24 raksha masks but present there are only 4/5 masks are using.

 Below you will find some masks.

#gurulu raksha mask.

Gurus are a mythical creature. Masked dance is performed in villages to guard against snake bites. Guru is also considered as the vehicle of the god Vishnu. This masks represent a bird like mythical creature.

#naga raksha mask.

This mask is used for opposite dancing with gurus. I think you have seen this seven face mask in Sri Lankan homes. It is believed that keeping this mask at home will prevent all accidents. Snakes and gurus are known as enemies in srilankan folktales.

#mayura raksha mask.

Sri Lankans believe that this mask, which has a shape of a peacock, to be kept in the home for peace, happiness and prosperity. And joyness

#gini raksha mask. 

This is a mask that symbolizes that peace and avoid fake friendships and safe from hostiles. This mask painted in red and yellow colours to represent fire. Most commonly using mask in srilanka.

#gara yaksha face mask.

The mask of the devil is hung on the house to avoid evil eye from others. Srilankan ancient people believed that hanging gara yaksha face mask on walls will protect them. Even now a days sometimes these masks can be seen in houses.

2)sanni masks.

Eighteen devils are representative of 18 illneses such as vomiting gastrointestinal disorders, psychiatric illnesses, demonic seizures, deafness, dumbness, epidemics, malaria, fever, nightmares, temporary hysteria, gall bladder disease .It is a healing ritual for the benefit of villages and to prevent various diseases.Here deceases are considered as 18devils (sanni). Maha kola sanni devil is consider as the leader of this 18 demons.

#dewa sanni mask 

These represent the diseases that are considered to be the disease of God, such as chicken fox, measles, etc. Ancient people believed that those deseases are given by god when they were angry with people. They represent god by this mask.

#bhutha sanni mask

Symptoms include temporary loss of consciousness, dark eyes, and vomiting. This dedecease it represent ghost based sickness and ghosts attacts.

#naga sanni mask

Redness of the eyes in the mask means that the snakes are dreaming and having a snake bite like deceases. In this mask there is snakes symbolizing the illness.

#bihiri sanni mask.

This mask depicts temporary deafness. The person is covered with half a cobra, and the cobra is recognized as a deaf animal.its symbolize deafness.

3)kolam masks.

Kolam is a folk dance in srilanka. Small masks simmilar to human face are used in kolam dancing. There are many kolam masks and these faces are used for mocking others . Aging , poverty , power like factors have been mocked.

few kolam masks are attached below,

#jasa lenchina masks.

Old guy and his young wifes life is presenting with humour. Jasa lenchina are the most common kolam characters amoung others. Adult jokes and actions can be seen.

#arachchi kolam mask.

arachchi is the chief of a Villege. Arachchi's acts are done using this mask and kolam masks generate humour at the first sight.

Srilankan traditional masks are pupular among foreigners , masks represent our culture . Now a days masks are not using like in the past. Because of the technology and evolution of technology most of people doesnt believe these invisible forces such as god,devils. Therefore masks are becoming useless but valuable sales item and decorating item. Mask industry considered as endangered industry due to lack of raw materials and lack of idividuals who like to carry our cultural mask industry to future. Mask industry is a most creative and artistic industry amoung other industries . 

Although there is no clear reference to the origin of these masks, ( King Mahasammatha or the origin of king Rawana,) these masks have formed an indissoluble bond with the Sri Lankan society and dance traditions. We should protect our cultural heritage.